Life lessons

How to be a worthy competitor in 10 different ways!

The nature of competition.

Any competition is good. It is healthy to be challenged because it is a chance to improve your skills every time. There is no field without competition. Be it in sports, in the corporate world, in informal businesses, and even in trade. Competition can be between individuals, communities, and even countries. Each wants to showcase their products or skills to prove themselves the best. Healthy competition has a lot of benefits. For example, if two traders are selling the same commodity within the exact location, they are competing for the same customers. They will have to customize their products to suit the needs of the customer. It is the final user who benefits greatly from such competition because their needs can be adequately addressed in the market. We are also in competition at any one point in our lives. Here is a guide to how we can become worthy competitors:

  1. Be objective.

You should always be objective in a competition. Know the theme of the competition and stick to it.

Caption: What are your goals?

Your focus should always be on it and not your competitor. Desist from making the competition personal. Attacking the competitor instead of challenging what they offer is wrong. You are deemed to have lost the competition if you make this deviation and start making personal attacks, be they veiled or bare. Do not also change the competition midway. If it is a debate, for example, about the contribution of artists to the economy, stick to it. Do not attack scientists and academicians because they are not the subject in this case. Your objectivity will make you a worthy competitor.

2. Give your side of the story.

There are two sides to a story. Whenever you are competing about anything, only say what you know and stop attacking the other side. Tell your version of the story and hold your peace. Your competitors will also give their side of the story and leave it at that. Pretending to know everything is impractical because you cannot eat your cake and have it. Pick a side and explain what you know.

3. Be genuine.

A worthy competitor is one who genuinely believes in their cause. They can defend what they believe in. They have no self-interest in the outcome because the truth shall finally prevail. Being a worthy competitor is as simple as standing for the truth. You will also win other people to your side and help voice your cause. Your authenticity is what helps you stand out.

4. Be factual.

Caption: Facts Matter.

Always have facts at hand if you want to be a worthy competitor. They are indisputable. Do not peddle rumors even if your competitor does. It does not matter whether everyone is against you for their self-interests. History shall finally vindicate you when it is written. The goal is not to win a competition at all costs but to win it fairly. Having facts on your side will absolve you from any consequences of wrongdoing.

5. Be rational.

Emotions are baggage that worthy competitors should not bring to a competition. Maintain the independence of your mind from the emotions of your heart. The mind is mostly rational but the heart is hardly so. It will bring you to say or do things you cannot substantiate in the future. It is fine to believe in your arguments in a competition but it is not okay to be emotionally attached to them. A simple emotional mistake may outdo what you have invested much effort in.

6. Appreciate your competitor and mates.

You are not enemies with your competitor but sitting across opposite ends of the table. This is the principle of worthy competitors. Every once in a while, appreciate the effort your competitor has put to face off with you. They will feel appreciated and neutralize any hard feelings between the two of you. Do not consider yourself higher than others. Appreciate those with whom you are on the same side of the competition. They have invested their time and effort too and deserve recognition.

7. Invest your effort.

Caption: Genius Demands Effort.

What is competition if you do not put in any effort? A worthy competitor works hard to win over their opponent. Competition should have a goal – to conquer and win a new ally. Do not tire to explain your side of the story with facts. Go the extra mile to explain the reason for the position you are taking. All your efforts shall eventually be rewarded with a handsome victory. Moreover, even though your opponent may not finally take your side, they can bear witness that you had your best foot forward.

8. Respect the rules of the game.

Every competition has its rules. You only become a worthy opponent if you observe all of them. The rules of engagement in any competition include not getting into either a verbal or physical fight or oscillating from one theme to another in the competition. Do not mind who is watching over you for compliance. Do it because it is the right thing to do.

9. Do not neglect your support base.

A worthy competitor recognizes those who support them unconditionally and does not neglect them. Have time to thank them for their support and for believing in what you are standing for. How you treat your opponents says a lot about your character. It also partly contributes to whether you will succeed in convincing your competitors to join you because you will not treat them any better than your current support base.

10. Accept defeat.

A worthy competitor accepts defeat when they are on its receiving end. It is a show of confidence in the rules of the competition. Accepting defeat is where most competitors fail at. They somehow manage to find something to blame. Congratulate the winner and appreciate their effort. They were equally your worthy competitors. Follow the right ways of dispute resolution if you are dissatisfied with the outcome. This is what qualifies you for another healthy competition.


Competition is inevitable. Learn these ten ways of becoming a worthy competitor and you will build a great name for yourself.

3 thoughts on “How to be a worthy competitor in 10 different ways!”

  1. Frankly, I love all your articles since they speak of relatable matters. This I relate to a lot and am glad I’ve managed to be on the right track so far. Never making the competition personal, appreciating my support as well as the competitor. Amazing piece!

    Liked by 1 person

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